Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Two small things, but take note

Over this last weekend, I received two requests for small changes that I thought were worth mentioning here on the blog.  These shouldn't largely affect how you do business, but they're important to know about:

1) In the past we've used a "Consult Only" flag on caseload records to indicate a student that was not to be billed for. That worked really well, but in the case of one of our therapists, she was providing services for a student for one year, and then after an IEP meeting the student became "consult only". That's normal, but in therapylog.com by marking the flag to say "this student is consult only for me", it prevented her from having any services from last year billed. I've made this flag into a date field so that now, as a therapist, when editing a caseload record you actually indicate the DATE that the consult only transition took place. All services before that date will be billed normally, all after will not. See the screenshot below.

2) When adding a student to your caseload, you usually just type the name in and pick from a list of matching students. For performance issues, we've limited the results set in the name finder to 5 names. One of our therapists, though, was having trouble because her district has 6 kids with the same first and last name, and the one she wanted to add wasn't showing up (because we only show 5 results). In order to combat this, I've increased the max to 7. See the following screenshot:

Do you have another little thing that's bothering you that you'd like to see fixed?  Hey, that's what we're here for!  Let us know, we're usually willing to make these little adjustments pretty quickly.


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