Thursday, July 1, 2010

Brand New Calendar Format

If you've been using therapylog for a while, you've probably gotten used to the calendar interface.  For 2 years, our old calendar has been the place to go for scheduling, editing, documenting, and reviewing your therapy history.  It's been good to us, but the time has come to let it go and take another step forward towards making our website more useful to you.  Overall I hope this change isn't going to be too jarring, as many things just LOOK a little different, but function much the same.  However, as always, I'm here (as well as our partners at MSBA) to answer any questions you might have about how to interact with our new calendar format.  So, without any further introduction, let's take a peek at the new look of the therapylog calendar:

Above I've put two screenshots of the new calendar. They should look very familiar in some ways, but there are definite differences.  For one, you don't just have each day fully filled in with a color, you can actually see every appointment you have on that day.  Not surprisingly, if you click on one of those appointments, you can go directly to documenting/editing/unlocking it, rather than having to go to the day planner first.  This alone probably will save you 33% of the clicking you used to have to do.  But what about the day planner?  Well, it's still there, but it looks a little different too.  Heres what you see if you click on a day outside one of the actual appointments (or on the day number itself):

Again, this looks somewhat similar;  It's a day, divided up into hours.  But there's a nice touch now, in that each hour is divided up into 15 minute segments, and your appointments are aligned to show exactly where inside that hour they start and stop, quite a visual step up from what used to be just a vague approximation.  Another nice touch is that if you're working through your week, rather than having to go back to the calendar between each day, you can just use the links at the top left and top right to go to the next or previous day of the month, easily moving from one day to another in one click.  

I really hope you enjoy these new improvements to the calendar, and that you'll let us know if you have other ideas for how to make our system better (especially because these improvements are based on suggestions we've received directly from you, our therapists).

And let me point out, before closing, that I can't take credit for these shiny new features.  This is all the work of our most recently hired software developer, Tyler Picket, and I think you'll agree that he's been a great addition to our team.

Like what you see?  Have suggestions to make this feature even better?  Let us know in the comments!


  1. Hi Ethan - As an Administrator, I do not have access to the calendar anymore. I used to able able to look at the calendar and check to make sure the therapist's were billing correctly and catch any mistakes before the billing was processed. Any chance?

    Kim Conder

  2. Hi Kim,

    yes, there is a chance indeed. We removed that original feature along the way because the "impersonation" of a user was possible (that is, you could make modifications on behalf of that therapist), and that's something that could call into question the authenticity of the therapist "signing off" on that therapy. We're working on a way to allow you to view a therapist's calendar, without necessarily being able to "act" as them.

    Thanks for the feedback!

