Is there anyway to print the goals that are active for either some or all of my students on my caseload? Sometimes it would be nice to have handy all of the goals for each student that are active in therapy log printed out... especially when working on planning and/or to keep track of what goals you have or have not worked on yet. Thanks! I love all the new improvements you all keep coming up with!
I thought about what she was asking for, and realized that there were really two different ways to provide printed goals, and that I wasn't sure which would be more helpful to her. Because of this, I asked for some clarity before going any further:
Ms Jones,
I can definitely see where that would be helpful. Would you be looking for the ability to just get all the active goals for a given student anytime you want? Or more for the ability to get a full listing of all students on your caseload with their active goals in one go? The reason I ask is that the former would probably best be done as a direct PDF download in your caseload, whereas the latter is more of a "report".
Of course, when you give someone a choice, you must be always prepared for the ever-probable reply ("BOTH!"):
Really either way sounds good..... On one hand, I am thinking that a full listing of all my students on my caseload with their active goals in one go would be great.... I could just run a report then whenever I needed to and/or whenever I wanted to sit and plan my therapy. On the other hand, if I wanted to print the goals for just a few kids or even one kid to bring to an IEP or for planning that would be nice too......
I just find that when I sit down and plan it would be nice to have all my kids and their active goals in one spot to make planning easier.... to make sure I am really addressing each and every one of my student's goals on their IEPs instead of having to go through multiple steps to make sure I am hitting all of the goals equally.
Well, I DID say both were possible, and since she felt like both would be helpful, who am I to stand in the way of making our product better?
Therefore, I am pleased to announce TWO new features for printing off your student's goals. First, if you just want to get all the active goals for a single student on paper, than access your student through your caseload, view their goals, and you'll see a new button on that page that says "Print Active Goals":
As you might expect, pressing that button will immediately generate a simple PDF file with all the active goals for that student included. All you have to do is print.
However, if you're looking for a complete listing of all the students on your caseload and their goals, you should instead head over to the "reports" page, where we've built a new report just for this need:
It's a simple report, just a PDF file listing every active student on your caseload, each followed by a table containing all the active goals for that student. Perfect for having all your info in one document. Thanks for the feedback, Liz!
Your requests are important to us, because they make our product better, and I hope you can see that when people ask for things that we think are reasonable, we just do it!
Have your own idea for how to make better? Let us know by leaving us a comment, we'd love to make your idea a reality.
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