Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tracking Student Progress

There's a new feature for all you therapists who are making use of the "Quantitative Progress" fields when documenting. If you don't know what that is, look at the screenshot below:

 That section to the right of the goal asks for "__ out of __ " so it can establish a percentage to associate with that goal for this session.  This was a feature many therapists asked for back at the end of the last school year.  Now that it's here, some therapists have been wanting to take it further by finding ways to analyze this data so they can derive some meaning out of it.  For example, this morning Mary Holzum (Jackson R-II) came to us with an email asking for a new report:

Here's what I want:
  Each student's goal worked on and total percentage for that goal over
a certain time."

Well, that seemed like a reasonable request to us.  Thanks to Mary, all therapists now have a new report available on their reports page called the "Student Progress Summary" report.  It's available as the second report from the top of the page, if you're a therapist.  See the screenshot below to help find it:

This new report (available both as a spreadsheet, or as a PDF file) gives you every student on your caseload (or just one, if you select it), shows every one of the student's goals in a table, and calculates a total percentage for the time period you selected based upon the quantitative progress you've recorded for that student. Thanks for the suggestion, Mary!

Like what you see?  Have an idea for another report? let us know in the comments.


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