Friday, November 13, 2009

The Amazing Expandable Hour!

Chalk another feature up to great suggestions from our users!  We got an email this week from Kara Baker (St. Louis Public Schools) where she made the following observation:

Sometimes I have 15 min sessions with some of my preschoolers, and whenever I schedule 4 of them in a one hour period, the sessions overlap with sessions before or after them, and you cannot see them as nicely as all the other sessions on my schedule for the day. There should be a way that the hour period expands to show each of these 15 min sessions so I can click on each session easily to edit/change/document the session. Thanks!

This is a great point! We hadn't considered that some therapists might have up so many appointments in so short a time, and the design of our website reflected that assumption;  but now we know better!  From today forward, on your day planner, if you have 2 or fewer items scheduled within an hour block, you will see the same sized hour period as you're used to:

However, if you continue to add more items to that hour, the period will automatically expand to accomodate your schedule:

Thanks, Kara, for the great suggestion.

Do you have another idea for how to make better?  Leave us a comment and let us know!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A new way to look at documentation

We had a great request from a therapist this week that really got me thinking.  This is from Catherine Weeks (Special School District):

some way of looking at student progress without having to generate an entire report. being able to click on a link to look at previous therapy day so I see what they did.

Of course our reports are available for large scale data extracts, but really what was needed here was a way to quickly reference progress while documenting in order to maintain continuity.  Thinking over her request, and doing some brainstorming with the development team here in the office, this is what we came up with:

Right now, there is a link on the documentation page for every goal.  In the past all it did was give you the full text of that goal, plus a few other supporting details. 

There's a new set of tools now, though.  When you click on those goal links in the documentation page, you'll be greeted with a new tabbed layout:

This first tab is the same as what was there before: the goal text plus any benchmarks and activities that were also recorded for this session.  The two tabs at the top of that window, though, are new.  "Progress graph", when clicked on, will provide you with the new charting feature that's available from the caseload, right here in the documentation area:

The final tab has a new set of information: all the previous comments and progress marks recorded for that goal, by date, all in a nice table for you:

If that doesn't make a therapist smile, I don't know what will.  :)

Thanks for the suggestion Catherine!  And if anyone else out there has ideas for how to make therapylog better, let us know!  We'd love to hear about it.
